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Girls in Aviation Day & Young Eagles Rally!

  • 24 Sep 2022
  • 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Sonoma Jet Center 5550 Windsor RoadWindsor, CA, 95492United States


Registration is closed

Come to a very special Young Eagles Rally in honor of Girls in Aviation Day. There will be aircraft displays, guest speakers, hands-on activies, food trucks and a fly-in!

A Young Eagles Rally offers the opportunity for children and teens (Ages: 8-17) around the county to visit the airport and learn about aviation. The children will participate in ground school taught by a volunteer where they learn the basics on aircraft and flying, They will also get the opportunity to fly with an EAA private pilot. This event will be following all rules set forth by EAA who officially sponsors the Young Eagles program and its rallies. These rules can be found on the EAA website at

This event will take place at the EAA Chapter 124 hangar and ramp. It is about a mile south of Shiloh road. The address is 5550 Windsor Road, Windsor CA, 95492.

When arriving at the address take a left turn where there will be an aircraft hangar, multiple airplanes, and balloons. Parents/guardians must be present at the event at all times. There is limited space, one slot per participant per event, and registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

Special Thank you to our
2025 Foundation Members

NorCal Business Aviation Association (NCBAA)
177 Bovet Road, Suite 600
San Mateo, CA 94402-3122

Northern California Business Aviation Association - NCBAA

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